In this world with 24 hour news cycles and ever-increasing working hours along with financial or health worries, it is almost impossible to maintain a positive view on things. If we’re not worrying about how things will pan out in the future, then issues from the past rise up to fill the gap.
I once heard of someone who cured himself of cancer by booking into a hotel room with a stash of funny movies to watch. He laughed himself to health. I could relate to this method as I have often searched for the funny stories or comedies on TV to sustain me.
I used to enjoy reading the jokes in the Readers Digest. It was my way of dwelling in a positive moment that I seem to have perpetuated throughout the decades since. Signing up with Amway for a brief time gave me the positive tapes that Amway provided even though their message was mainly about selling Amway. Now my TV viewing focuses on comedies while scanning newspapers always reveals the cartoons. I have even done a brief cartooning course, not that I have produced my first finished piece.
Whichever method is available to me, I prefer to lean towards the positive. The good news stories might be few and far between, but if we persist in our search we can find the gem that soothes our soul.
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