
Missing Out

An issue seems to be bubbling to the surface that I need to deal with.  A few times in the past week I have felt like I was missing out on something, and the first two times I reacted badly. 

To a Virgo who is almost pedantically precise, missing out doesn’t make sense. If I ensure that other people around me are treated fairly then can’t I expect the same? I seem to keep forgetting that life isn’t always fair. Just because I’ve made sure that all the people before me are served does not mean that I will be treated the same way by others who arrive after me. Byron Katie would be amazed that I still retain these crazy notions. After all, it doesn’t fit with reality. 

So I’m working with myself to redefine my expectations. The phrase “You win some, you lose some” probably says it all, with The Free Dictionary’s explanation being: “You cannot always succeed”. I get that. Sometimes life will be fair to me and other times it won’t. Now I just need to remember it next time I notice that the scales are skewed against me.

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